Thursday, April 21, 2005

Back again!

Hello everyone!
After seeing everyone's livejournal's and blogs, and not wanting to create yet another account for something that I already have, I am now resuming my blogging habits (I'll do it as long as I can this time.)

Report cards came home yesterday, I did fine in all my classes. Mr. Rosner's classes are really easy. I got a 99 in CHEMROZZ and a 100 in HEALTHROZZ. Mr. Dan's Comp Science is definitely a GPA booster too (100, woo hoo! God, I can be extra geeky sometimes.) apparently Andrew Rosa didn't do so well, as he was leaving homeroom, his hand had a faceoff (and lost) with the lower right glass panel in Ms. Basanni's room. It was shocking leaving the room to go to English, and seeing the drips of blood in the hallway. It hadn't occurred to me at that moment that he would be bleeding. Duh Steven! Any interesting stories about what happened, leave a comment.

It is starting to sink in that I have 4 regents in June! Chem, French, World History, and Math. Tomorrow is an A day, so I have a study hall 2nd period, and I can do work there. I have a few pivitol tests/quizzes/quests, (whatever their point value) tomorrow that I should probably be studying for.

I will be staying in town for most of the Spring Break, allowing me to do some comp maintenance at my house and some leisure reading and sleeping. If anyone wants to do anything, call me.

Until later!


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