Friday, April 29, 2005

Vacation is almost over, and looking forward

I sit here tonight, on the evening of Friday the 29th. I look back on the previous week, and I say to myself, Ahh. It was a great week, filled with no school, sleeping late, and overall relaxation. I have filled out my westmunc under-secretariat application, and have successfully bombed my first Computer Science project. I have enjoyed the ability to just go about the day slowly, and not have life be so jam-packed with things to do, papers to write, books to read, rehearsals to go to, etc. I sit here at my computer, saying this, knowing that Sunday night will roll around, and I will be doing some homework.

I definitely procrastinate. I am not proud of it, and really wish I didn't. It is a nasty habit that I reallllllly want to break. I will just have to work at it, in order to achieve the relief from not having to do everything last minute. It's just hard though, when given the opportunity to stop doing homework when its done and go do something else, or push myself further and do more work, I end up choosing to do the former. I do not like having to scramble and do stuff at the last minute. I think I am talking myself in circles, I'm going to stop.

I am really excited for the Bright Eyes concert May 22nd. I cannot wait! Uggh, though, because that means that I will have MUCH less time to do homework. Which also means that Friday and Monday I will have to do EXTRA studying and work. Anyway, I musn't let that get in front of all of the fun I will be having. I am going shopping tomorrow to expand my limited wardrobe. I need more shirts, as I think many of you have noticed, umm, I wear a LOT of the same shirts, over and over again. I am aware of this, and am working to fix it, lol.

I have always wondered how people can write so much in their blogs, well look at my last post. Anyway, later!


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