Saturday, May 07, 2005

This Weekend

Today was fun. I helped out tech for Kiss Me Kate, the upcoming high school play. At first, it was a little weird for me, because I barely knew the guys who I was helping tech, however after a few hours, I became much more comfortable and lost that "watching my every move" around them feeling. I made myself very useful by cutting "gels". For those of you who do not know what they are: similar to cellophane, and they come in many different colors, and are put in front of the lights to color the stage. Allie Vingiano mentioned to me that we (tech) work(s) really hard, and we do, but (to me at least) it's enjoyable work. I uneventfully (phew!) drove to school today in a stick shift car. It was a great day!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and my family is going up to Connecticut to see the cousins and the immediate family. I will be waking up really early and making breakfast in bed with my brother and dad. It is sort of a tradition now that we have been doing for as long as I can remember. I don't know if other people do that. I just know that Mother's Day starts off with breakfast in bed in my family.

This upcoming week will be hectic I think. With it being Kiss Me Kate Tech Week, and then the normal weekly happenings, meetings, homework, and such, I hope that I can hold it together.

I'm off to bed now! I'll be up early to make breakfast!


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