Sunday, April 23, 2006

It's been 6 months...

Hey guys,
It's been 6 months since I've blogged last. That's such a long time. I've been recently inspired to come back to it. Ok, to business...

What's going on in my head now:
1) French Video - I need to edit it for Monday or Wednesday (I'm not sure, lol)
2) AP/SAT II Studying - This needs to be done.
3) Computer Work - (This seems like it never goes away.) This time on my iBook.
4) Other school work
5) Social life

Hahaha, that's actually really funny to me. Look where social life is...Last. I guess that says something, oh well. I'm not opposed to socializing at all, just, I have other things to do that (I guess) take higher priority.

Today was overall a good day, I slept late, and did tech for about one-two hours. I went into town and picked up Thomas' for a late lunch. I wished Theresa a happy earth day, and she thought it was my birthday. (that wasn't embarrassing) At least there wasn't anyone from school there, just Nina Germain's mom (who ordered pea soups, anyone know if they are worth trying?) Warning: Techie talk coming:
I came home, and tried to fix the partition table on my external hard drive. I had tried all of these commercial programs that didn't work, and then found a free open source gem which worked amazingly. I was soooooo happy. I then proceeded to email the creator of the program thanking him for his great work. End techie talk.
I procrastinated the video editing for the most part, but I did work on trimming the video into nice clips which I plan on weaving into the French video masterpiece tomorrow.

Music I am liking recently is Pink's new CD: I'm Not Dead. Stupid Girls sends a great message, and Dear Mr. President is such a good song too. But the whole CD is really good too though, don't think it's a cd with only one or two good songs.

Um, that's about it for now...
Until later...


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