Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Epiphany 1

I just had an epiphany. I was in the shower, trying to relax, and it hit me. I have felt the effects of jr year. I currently have a tucker paper to write, my mom has been nagging me about studying for the SATs, and I have an annoying client that I have to help with her computer (and aol – who should just die). I am annoyed because my personal life has changed. And I am feeling really stressed.

Which brings me to my second topic: I miss camp so much, it’s unbearable. I was looking at Helen’s webshots today, and I realized that EVERYONE is smiling in her pics. I can’t believe how much I miss it, and would give anything to be there right now. I had the best days of my life there, and just freakin’ miss it. I really want to hit pause on life right now, and go to camp. Camp is so stress free, there is no homework to do, and its just plain fun. All of the stresses that I am feeling right now really need to go away, they are too much. I really need to relax, I know. AHHH!!
Until later…


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