Monday, October 03, 2005

Excited for this mini-break

Yeah, so I dunno why I am excited for this mini-vacation/school break for religious observances THING we have for the next 2 days, but I am.

I just downloaded this album called Little by Little by Harvey Danger. I have heard of them before, but they are now getting some publicity, because they released that album legally for free for download. I downloaded it and LOVE IT!! Click Here to go to their website to download it. I am bad at describing music, but it's good. It is classified as alternative rock (if that helps.)

I'm doing well emotionally, and I'm gonna be okay thanks to everyone who has given me a hug, or simply talked to me. You guys are really the best friends anyone could have. You don't know how much I appreciate it.

ahh, so until later use that dome piece!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sure like to use the word(s) "dome piece" doncha heh. hope everything's well


12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and i downloaded the Harvey Danger album.. its awesome!

ps. whats a _noticeable_ difference between ogg and mp3 (besides filesize)??

12:52 AM  

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