Monday, October 25, 2004


Today was a great day! I had school, nothing new there, but after school, I had my Apple Computer presentation. It was so much fun! I really want a G5. They are sooo cool looking. I wish that the school had more Apples for video editing and projects. They really are the best fruit ever. Victor and Nicole seem realy into their jobs. That's great. Maybe their computer knowledge will lead our school to have new exciting tools. Anyway I got to finish my HW. Until later...

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Expo Day

Today was the Photo Expo at the Javits center. It was great. I met a lot of really cool people and got lots of great stuff like autographed posters and cd's and stuff. I am gonna work on my French project tomorrow and get it out of the way. Until later...

Friday, October 22, 2004


Today is FRIDAY!!! Another week done, another weekend beginning. I am going to the PhotoPlusExpo in NYC tomorrow. It is a photography trade show. I am excited to get all sorts of free stuff. Also, I got a 87 on my math test! Yay!! It made my weekend. Okay, until later.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I made it!

Today was Wednesday! What a week so far! I had a lot to do yesterday. I had a meeting with Apple Computer, tennis, SS video filming, and homework and studying for math and french tests, which I think I did ok on. On a different note:

What about those Yankees? Loosing 3 games in a row to Boston? All I have to say is Stay Tuned tonight to see Game 7 of the ALCS! (I have 5 extra points on my math test riding on this game. Come On, You Can Do It!)

Yeah, so thats whats on my mind today!

The rest of the week: BRING IT ON!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Hey Hey Hey!!!

I read somewhere that writing was good therapy, so I created a blog to vent, talk, and let people know what's going on in my mind. Okay, now to my thoughts:

I have so much to do this week!!! I have a lot of homework, an Apple Computer presentaion, a Social Studies project which has to be filmed and edited in addition to the poster, a math test on Wednesday that I HAVE to do well on, and then other extra-curricular activities. Wow I guess it's not that much to do. I guess that writing is really good therapy. I CAN DO IT!!!