Thursday, May 25, 2006

Video Capture Cards + Character

Yesterday I crashed (with invitation) the faculty meeting in the auditorium about the smartboards. There was a demonstration, during which someone asked a question about using them with VCRs. The response from the SmartBoard rep was yes, with a video capture card. Now let me be frank here, VIDEO CAPTURE CARDS?!?!?! My computer at home doesn't have one of those! No way in hell would we buy video capture cards so that the smartboard could work with VCRs. That sales pitch was weak in my opinion.

Today at lunch I sent our director of technology a email asking the terms of the Spano grant, to see if we could "stretch the money in other ways in the classroom." Her response was implying that I had suggested getting more than the planned 20-24 smartboards. She explained that the consensus was that we should "start with a limited number rather than a large amount." She mentioned 100 being too many to manage. I was infruriated after reading this, because NOWHERE in my email did I mention MORE SMARTBOARDS, NOWHERE! Not only that, she didnt explain the terms of the grant, my original question. It is so frustrating when someone doesn't actually read an email. After cooling down, I sent an email back kindly reasking the question, and suggesting that if we bought less smartboards, we could "use the remaining money to pursue our strategic plan's goals." I dont really see smartboards fitting into our strategic plan. There's more I'd like to vent about, but it's not the time or place.

NHS inductions were tonight. They were awkward at first, but after the formalaties, it was all good. The most embarassing part was when you were being inducted, you went up in front of everyone, and people talked about you, your character, acomplishments etc. It was flattering to hear my things though. I had a feeling that Kate Berner would induct me, and she did! Kate and Hilarie bought me flowers after telling a story about how the flower order got messed up from Crazy for You, and I never got a set. Kate mentioned me needing 11 fingers again, haha, that's my running tech joke. It was a good time, and now I am going to bed.

Until Later...


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