Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What a trip!

It's Wednesday, and play-wise, we should be on track, feeling ready to perform for the seniors citizens tomorrow. HOWEVER, we are not. We have not done a final tech run-through, or even a run through with the orchestra of the second act. We are really behind schedule if you can't tell. And while I feel like Terg and I are for the most part ready for the show, the majority of everyone else isn't. This week has been REALLY long, and rather surreal. During the week before the show (known as Hell Week,) the play basically takes over your life, and you are often seen leaving the school at obscenely late hours. Anyone that has seen me this week before school or after school can see that my mind is for the most part, elsewhere.

What hit me last night was that this is Tergis and Kate's last show! They are both amazing people, both in the theater and out, as well as being very knowledgeable and helpful, not to mention comedic in their own right. The play is my Friday and Saturday, so more interesting stuff to come I'm sure...

Until later..


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