Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Blah Tuesday

I had a good weekend. It sort of felt a little unproductive. I got my PL letter, and then was sort of lazy for the rest of the weekend. I was visiting family/had family visiting a lot. I visited my uncle, aunt, cousin, and grandma in CT on sunday. It was fun, we had a good BBQ. My cousin Isabel is adorable. She toddled around with Mark and I, playing on the slide and just being cute. I love small children. My uncle and his girlfriend visited on monday. They are always fun and entertaining to be around. We had grilled pizza, which was good as usual. I did some hw in the evening, and then went to bed.

Today at school was intersting. We watched part of a Green Day concert for about 15 minutes in English. blah blah blah day. MYS physics field test blah french movie blah follies blah. People did like my posters that I made for the follies though, that made me happy :) . Had art awards after school (me? art?) and went home. Procrastinated, talked to people online for a while, did a couple of supreme court cases for geller, and now here I am, blogging. And now, I am heading off to bed.

Until Later...


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