Tuesday, May 31, 2005

School Coming to a Close

Well, school is drawing to a close. As of now, I know we have less than 10 days of classes, and no sorry, I'm not counting them all down like others. I cannot believe we have four regents this year. It is crazy, and I am well aware that I am not the only person going through this, but it is a lot. I had come to that conclusion a few days ago when we got the Chem review schedule, and I realized that they conflicted with the math ones, (duh!) and that there were still French and history to account for. I am really surprised that I haven't gotten sick from all of the stress (knock on wood). So, I am stressed for the regents, and the end of school will be a welcome break.

On to summer break, I say bring it on!!! I am leaving for camp on the 26th and will be there for 4 weeks! I am working as a LIT (Leader in Traning, its basically a CIT). Here is the camp website. Then I plan on going into the city and interning at Gotham Sound and Communications for a week or two, then camping with the family in the Smokies. I can't wait!

In the more recent future, I will be working on Stars over Hastings, and helping out tech wherever I can. I am looking forward to that. On a geekier note, I am getting my new modchip for my xbox soon, and anticipate the few laws being broken "accidentally" with that. I am also working on my HTML/web design skills for fun.

I currently have a webserver that is on my computer, so you can access select files that I post online, from any computer. Some folders need passwords, find me or IM me for that info, I have some pretty cool stuff behind there. The Too Darn Hot was copied from Andrew Tergis' server, and is of the Tech crew singing during the opening of the second act of Kiss Me Kate. See my "Web Home" for that.

Music: When I went to the Bright Eyes concert, which was AMAZING BTW, The Faint played. I think that initially, it being so loud (I was right near a speaker) was discouraging, however, after listening to their songs, I have concluded that I really like them. They aren't too hardcore punky rock, but they have some cool synths and technoish beats. However, after listening to them practically for three says straight, I am taking a break with a random mix of all sorts of music that I have. It is good to mellow out during this stressful period.

Phew! Quite a lot that I still would like to talk about, so I will have to continue this at another date. Later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bright eyes and faint = we are the coolest

also you spelled days wrong in the last paragraph and forgot to mention that i am pimping your tecnological skills otut to people. keep up the good work. and update more.


10:56 PM  

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