Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wobbly/Oh well

Today was Tuesday. It was pretty uneventful. It was not a bad day, nor especially good. I forgot to go to CyberSeniors after school, so I'm sure that I lost Merchant points because of that, but oh well. I came home, finished up the French video, did the special features/bloopers, and burned the DVD. I did some SAT II Math prep, and secured arrangements to walk to school tomorrow. I also had Tennis lessons, which went wobbly. It was like my body was all over the place. I was in a weird groove, and so played sub par. Phhbt, another oh well. That was a little disappointing, but that's life. I was facebooking and came across my name in "The Cult" which reminded me of We Didn't Start The Fire, which I am listening to now. Who knows, it may help on the AP US History Test. haha, not. Not much HW to report, although I have general AP review that I should have done, and will do tomorrow for Thursday. I'm going to try and get some shut eye, so:
Until later..


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