Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Uh, yeah

Uh, yeah, it's Wednesday, and I went to the academic awards ceremony tonight. It was ok, and I got High Honor Roll, which is really good, and I'm happy about that, I really am. It was sort of just depressing seeing mostly the same people go up to get their 50 awards, while I sat in my seat clapping. I know that sounds really obnoxious and self centered, but I don't mean it to be. Another thing was that I could pick out people that I thought I had done better than, and they had gotten an award. I dunno. I guess I should be happier with what I have, as opposed to what I want or feel I deserve, but it's weird. I want to congratulate everyone that did get an award. You deserve it. And to everyone who didn't get an award, you're still cool. So whatever, it is what it is, and that's it. I'm going to go now study for my English quiz that I know we might not have, cause I have to. Goodnight.

PS I really want to know if I made secretariat too!


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