Sunday, September 11, 2005

Feeling better today, thanks everyone

I'm feeling much better today. I now understand why things happened, and can live with them. I have had good talks with many of my friends within the past 24 hours, and appreciate your help/listening more than you can imagine. So thanks to everyone who I have spoken to in person, IMed or talked on the phone with in the past 24 hours. I, with your help, have been kept sane. I'm always here if you need anything. I'm just that "nice" of a guy, lol. No, I'm just me, and part of being me means supporting friends of time of confusion or whenever they need it. So, I'll talk to you all later, peace.

PS: I have drivers ed tomorrow PM!! YAY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to go to drivers ed! not fair!

and no one can keep me sane because....well im not really sure i am sane most of the time


11:24 PM  

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