Saturday, August 06, 2005

Man! Off the grid for a week! and other summer time stories

This post goes out to everyone that I have seen and been with this summer. It is not over yet, and I am going to be off the grid for a week. (Which means no/ very little communication with the outside world.) I am going camping in the Smokey Mntns in Tenessee/North Carolina, and then down to Miami to visit my grandparents who I don't see very often. I would just like to thank everyone for a fuckin' amazing summer, the best summer of my life so far. To everyone at camp, thanks for all of the good times (there were a lot too!) and I WILL keep in touch with you, and LITs, we have to meet up during the school year, one year is wayy too long to go without seeing each other. I had the best days of my life with you guys, and miss you all very much, and think about you daily.

When I am done camping, I am going to be able to go online at my grandparents house, so I can email/im with you. YAY GRID!

To all my camp friends: I miss you more than you can believe, and can't wait to see you all again! It's hard to believe that I went into the LIT program not knowing anyone, and came out with 10 very close friends.
To all my school/home friends: Jr year! Let's do it! And have fun while we're at it! I look forward to seeing you in September!
To my special someone: I can't wait to see you again! It won't be soon enough! Mwah!


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