Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First Day Back In School

(I know it's been a while, sry about that..)
Yesterday, being the last day of the summer, I was taking chapter notes, and then decided it was time for a study break. Heather, Maddie, Valerie, Shelly, and Ben and I went driving around Westchester for fun. First was an ice cream parlor in Tarrytown, then the Hillside back playground, and then Starbucks, then we all went back home. It was an awesome last day of summer! GOSH, this summer was amazing! If it is any indication of what's to come this year, I cannot fuckin' wait!!

On a different note...
Today was the first day of school this year. Everything went okay, the usual first day stuff, expectations, goals, rules, etc. It was good to see everyone again. I am very glad that it was a half day. I don'’t know if I could have taken a full day, it would have been overload.

Haha, overload. Wait that has happened already, thanks to Mr. Tucker. 15 pages "“due”" (he's not technically allowed to mandate that, but we still had to do it) today, and then a quiz! I hope I made the right choice going into that class. I know I'’m going to learn a lot, and just become a better student because of it.

Marciano'’s first period class was...like any Marciano class. He was dealing jokes left and right, and some rocking was going on too. I liked it because he is really passionate about what he does, and a couple of us in that class have already had him (in eighth grade), which might give us an edge initially, because we know what he wants. (I think I know what he wants, lol.) I remember laughing so hard in his class, at the stupidest things too! I started to do it again today. Oh well, things happen.

Media Arts was decent; all the stuff that had to be said took all period. We just got to stare at those cool pretty computers while merchant did his thing. I know he needed to do it, but it was a wee bit annoying. I know it will all get MUCH better once we get to working on the projects, but today was a little disappointing. I did go after school today though to the lab, and they DO work! (Knock on wood.) I hope to get to work with them next class.

I have a few other classes that may end up being half study halls. It is weird Comp Sci is mixed AP and intro, which I'’m sure will provide lots of down time for us AP guys. Other classes seem like I'd be able to get by with one ear listening. I don'’t know how I feel about that, I'’ll come back to it in another post.

I miss the summer already! It was just simply amazing.

Until later, "use ya' dome piece!"


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