Sunday, September 18, 2005

Freakin' Awesome!

Ok, so today, Heather and I exchanged our music collections. Guess what? I LOVE most of her music!! I am so happy! I now have a ton of new material go listen to! YAY!!

The Ataris=AMAZING. They are soooo good. I will be listening to a lot of The Ataris now.

Yes, Heather is an awesome girlfriend. Yes, we have similar music tastes. Yes, we are that cool.
You may ask why I am flipping out about what you may consider a "minor" thing. Well, I don't really know, but what I do know is that I now have a lot more songs on my iPod that are "splendid" (umm, I need a better thesaurus, I use awesome and amazing too much.) SCORE good music!

Until later: Use ya' dome piece!


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