Sunday, April 30, 2006

Fun weekend so far

I didn't post yesterday, I was too tired, so here's a quick recap of my Friday:
School was ok, I didn't do that well on the French test, but whatever. Hung out with Maddie, Serafina, and Stacy before the dance, (my boys didn't pull through...) The dance was good, although not as good as the WestMUNC dance. I had a lot of fun, and went to bed at like 2.

Today was a good day too. I woke up at 10, did the morning thing, breakfast etc. Drove Mark and Dad over to Dobbs for a baseball game at 11, then drove to the carwash at the HS. I stayed there until ~1:30, and then drove them home. I went to a mini-tucker study session at 6, and then went to a family friends house. Drove home, and finished watching WarGames, a movie from '83 with a teenage Matthew Broderick as the star. It was about hacking into NORAD and starting World War 3 with the Russians. I liked it because it was a good hacking movie, and also it was funny, being from the early 80s. That's about all the news I have to report tonight.

On another note though, I have a random thought. I love spy/espionage shows, eg Alias/24, and I realized recently that all of the communication (comm) units are all the same. EVERYONE touches their ear to talk on their radios to people back at some home base. For example,if terrorists are looking for people after them, all they have to look for is people with their fingers in their ears. It just seems like a dead giveaway that you are working for some secret organization. Oh well, they are both good tv. Just food for thought.

Until later...


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