Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I cannot believe it, it's almost over.

So I bought the new Coldplay album today, and I think the best song on it is Fix You. I was calling it quits with my math studying, looking over the Math Journal 10 assignment (reflection of the year), and started to think of the past year, which was truly amazing. I don't think that I have said it many times before, and I definitely mean it. School had it's ups and downs, as did things outside of school. I have pushed myself very hard this year to succeed, and although all final grades are not yet in, for the moment, I feel like I have. As I feel the crunch of school work get tighter and tighter around my neck, as I did tonight, I put on some good music, and reflect. It was ... better than amazing. I had so many good times with all my friends, new and old. I may have lost a bit of money *cough metrocard fares cough*, but being the nice guy that I think I am, I am okay with that. My friends are really great, and I have a great family who supports all of my endeavors. I can't wait to go to camp this summer, It'll be so much fun! But the hurdle that stands in my way is all of these tests, and papers and projects. I know I will get through them, and then prepare for AP Tucker next year. I have to get some sleep now, but am really happy with the past school year, and look forward to Junior year, and everything that comes along with it, because I know that I will make it. I hope that you all feel this way, because it is such a relief from the busy life that we all live day-to-day. I will be bringing in my yearbook soon. I hope you all get a chance to sign it.

I leave you with a great line from Fix You:
"lights will guide you home / and ignite your bones"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey hey i paid you back for that metro card jojo and sophia on the other hand might be a lost cause.

3:23 PM  

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