Monday, June 06, 2005

Free Mini Macs???!!! You Bet!

Yes it is true, you too can get a FREE Mac Mini by clicking here All you have to do after clicking there, is to sign up for an offer (most cost little to nothing) and then refer friends to do the same. When you click on the link above, or the ad on my webpage, you are helping me get a free Mac Mini. I know there have been times that I have helped you with some piece of technology or software, or told you with what the homework was, or helped you with homework. I would really appreciate it if you would click on the link, so you can be one of my referers, and help me score a free Mac Mini.

This is all made possible by the people over at Gratis Networks and their affiliates. I would encourage you to look around, they have some pretty cool stuff. I know this looks a little fishy, and you are smart to doubt the legimitacy of this, but I have meticulacy researched it and found out that they are a reliable source. Numerous well known and reputable sources have done research on it, and found out that is is legit. Some links to the reviews are listed below:

NPR: Here

Yahoo!: Here

G4Tech TV: Here

Wired News: Here

Here is the link for the Gratis Network Press Room

Hope you guys will help me out, and score a free Mac Mini in the process.

EDIT: You MUST use Internet Explorer with popup blocking disabled to see the terms of each offer. It will not work using anything else. If you click on an offer and do not see a popup, you are doing something wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steve! It's Jenny from camp! You have a Blogger? Crazy kid, you should get a livejournal! They're 1 0 t i m e s b e t t e r. Haha

2:40 PM  

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