Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What? Steven's updating on a tuesday? Wierd

Yeah, for once, I am updating on a Tuesday. I must say, it feels wierd. Possibly the best part of finals weeks, is that you can sleep late if you have an afternoon test, or review session in the afternoon! I didn't used to be a big sleeper, but nowadays, I really try for between eight and 10 hrs of sleep a night.

I had my math final today, which was okay, I definately know that I did not do AMAZINGLY, but I have come to the conclusion that (Steven+trig=log(confused steven+ tan(a/2))) Steven and trig do not produce good results. I think I may have botched my way though a few parts of the test. I just know that all I have left is Regents, in four topics. I think I will do better there. Classes are over, what a relief!

I cannot wait for camp!


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