Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mini-Post 2

Peep Jousting?!!?!?!
Oh yeah, its awesome...

Why? Because you can....

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New iPods, and iMacs with HUGE HD's

Pods today, that do video, and also released new iMacs
The pic here (and above) shows that the new iMacs have whopping 160MB and 200MB SATA hard drives. Mr. Merchant would not be proud of this, as it seems like we have spent decades going over data types and sizes. It is no big deal in the large scheme of things, just a small detail that was briefly noted as a spec, and I thought was funny, and that I'd pass it on. More details may follow about the new products....

Monday, October 10, 2005

Public Service Announcement 1

Hey guys,
Recently, a couple of cell phones appear to be the victim of water damage. This has happened to me too, and I want to share some tips with you on how to revive portable electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc) from their watery grave.

If you drop it in the pool/ocean: Of course, remove it from the water as soon as possible. DO NOT TURN IT ON, this is important!!! If yout turn it on, you may damage some components more! Then take it apart, rinse the different parts with tap water, so that you remove the corrosive salt/chlorine that can damage it. Then shake out/dry off any excess water, towel drying as much as you can (get it as dry as possible). At this point, any direct sunlight/heat will help dry anything that you did not already, and dry out the components. Leave for between 24-48 hours. Hope that it works when you turn it on!

If you drop it in other water (toilet, washing machine, bathtub): Do the same as above minus the rinsing. Just the take it out, and dry it parts.

I hope this helps you all in the future, as these devices keep getting smaller and smaller, and more prone to watery accidents!


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Hilarious Essays

I was reminded by Kevin's blog today about something that I saw online a while ago. It is a college guy playing a prank on some college kids by taking their graded papers (before they were handed back) and putting comments everywhere. For background info click here. They are really funny, and I would definately reccomend looking at them when you have the time.

The papers are here.
Let me know what you think of them...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Time Managment!!

AHHHHH!!! I need to manage my time better, much better. Soooo much to do, not enough time....Help, now!! AHHHHH!!!


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Epiphany 1

I just had an epiphany. I was in the shower, trying to relax, and it hit me. I have felt the effects of jr year. I currently have a tucker paper to write, my mom has been nagging me about studying for the SATs, and I have an annoying client that I have to help with her computer (and aol – who should just die). I am annoyed because my personal life has changed. And I am feeling really stressed.

Which brings me to my second topic: I miss camp so much, it’s unbearable. I was looking at Helen’s webshots today, and I realized that EVERYONE is smiling in her pics. I can’t believe how much I miss it, and would give anything to be there right now. I had the best days of my life there, and just freakin’ miss it. I really want to hit pause on life right now, and go to camp. Camp is so stress free, there is no homework to do, and its just plain fun. All of the stresses that I am feeling right now really need to go away, they are too much. I really need to relax, I know. AHHH!!
Until later…

Mini-Post 1

Ok, think about this...

"dongle" has to be possibly the funniest word ever. What word is funnier than dongle? I mean come on.

from " /dong'gl/ (From "dangle" - because it dangles off
the computer?)" haha, a dangling dongle, lol.

'nuff said

Monday, October 03, 2005

Excited for this mini-break

Yeah, so I dunno why I am excited for this mini-vacation/school break for religious observances THING we have for the next 2 days, but I am.

I just downloaded this album called Little by Little by Harvey Danger. I have heard of them before, but they are now getting some publicity, because they released that album legally for free for download. I downloaded it and LOVE IT!! Click Here to go to their website to download it. I am bad at describing music, but it's good. It is classified as alternative rock (if that helps.)

I'm doing well emotionally, and I'm gonna be okay thanks to everyone who has given me a hug, or simply talked to me. You guys are really the best friends anyone could have. You don't know how much I appreciate it.

ahh, so until later use that dome piece!