Friday, May 05, 2006

What a long week! (Part 1/Un)

This week was possibly one of the longest I remember. Sunday afternoon, I rediscovered the National Geographic Channel and The Science Channel. SOOOOO bad for my procrastination. I watched the science behind Hollywood movies. There was stuff on many national disaster movies (a perfect storm, day after tomorrow, etc.) I do like science, and watched too much of those kinds of shows when I should have been studying for APs. I'll get to that in a bit.

I have through the week been getting a constant reminder of NYS Senator Andy Spano's $100,000 grant. Part of which will be for SmartBoards. It's actually really cool technology, but knowing Hastings technology implementation and BOCES, there are going to be so many hurdles to jump over. The speculative number that Dr. Guiney initially proposed was 23 boards! Um, last time I checked, where were SmartBoards in the Strategic Plan? I'll tell you where: NOWHERE I think this money would be much better spent equipping each classroom with a projector and a DVD/VHS player or something that everyone could use, and be useful towards the 1 to 1 goal we have in the District. I have spoken to many people about this, and many agree that so many should not be purchased. Maybe have them installed in 2 or 3 model classrooms per school to spur interest, but that's it. I have heard all this year about the budget crunch, and how we haven't been able to do this and that technology wise, and now we have these funds, and I don't want to see them squandered on such a thing where there is an immense potential to have an implementation screw up. Ugh, time to go study more for the SAT IIs. I'll have to talk about the rest of the week tomorrow.

Until Later...


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