Sunday, May 07, 2006

What a long week! (Part 2/Deux)

I feel like I have filled out soooo many scantron forms and multiple choice bubbles that my head wants to explode. My AP US History went ok I guess. The multiple choice was probably a 3 or 4 hopefully. My last essay was pretty bad though. I chose to write about the 50's and the influence of Intellectuals and Youth during the period. I ended up talking about the 60's youth countercyclical for youth, and Transcendentalism for intellectuals. They are both obviously wrong, but I'm at a point where I don't really care. I had two SAT 2s this morning: Math 2(c?) and American History. I think I did ok on the math, and decently on the US History. What was pretty funny during the American History SAT 2 was that there was a political cartoon that was on the AP. The corresponding question was worded better on the SAT 2s though. I went from there to set building for the HS show, Crazy For You. I did that until I got tired, went home, and chilled for a bit, then went to see The Sentinel. God, can you say Jack Bauer in a different agency? Kiefer Sutherland typecast much?

I must say, there have been many good news stories coming out of recently. Kevin has a great blog, which has brought his readers screaming kids on Christmas, the are you generic? campaign, and the mesmerizing LED Throwies. I really want to do the LED Throwie thing sometime. We need a bunch of people to pool some money, and but everything, assemble them, and make Hastings more colorful at night. It would be an amazing sight to see the HS covered in little LED magnet/lights. I think it would be really awesome. Hmm, I'll think about it...

Until Later...


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