Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Has anyone every watched QVC or HSN try and sell a computer. I love when they pitch it as: its so powerful, look at all of these videos we are playing at the same time! And they proudly show like 9 videos going onscreen at the same time. I always think to myself: wow, I watch 9 videos at the same time often! That MUST be a powerful computer! Now seriously people, I only can watch 1 video at a time, so show me the computer doing something that I will do, like encoding a video to a DVD or something. The hosts are also always hilarious to watch. Its even better when you can catch them slipping up or blatantly lying/making things up to sell the computer. Ah, sell me a computer QVC, I dare you...

On another note, this is a fake QVC Dell clip. It is pretty funny anyway.

Until Later!


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