Tuesday, May 31, 2005

School Coming to a Close

Well, school is drawing to a close. As of now, I know we have less than 10 days of classes, and no sorry, I'm not counting them all down like others. I cannot believe we have four regents this year. It is crazy, and I am well aware that I am not the only person going through this, but it is a lot. I had come to that conclusion a few days ago when we got the Chem review schedule, and I realized that they conflicted with the math ones, (duh!) and that there were still French and history to account for. I am really surprised that I haven't gotten sick from all of the stress (knock on wood). So, I am stressed for the regents, and the end of school will be a welcome break.

On to summer break, I say bring it on!!! I am leaving for camp on the 26th and will be there for 4 weeks! I am working as a LIT (Leader in Traning, its basically a CIT). Here is the camp website. Then I plan on going into the city and interning at Gotham Sound and Communications for a week or two, then camping with the family in the Smokies. I can't wait!

In the more recent future, I will be working on Stars over Hastings, and helping out tech wherever I can. I am looking forward to that. On a geekier note, I am getting my new modchip for my xbox soon, and anticipate the few laws being broken "accidentally" with that. I am also working on my HTML/web design skills for fun.

I currently have a webserver that is on my computer, so you can access select files that I post online, from any computer. Some folders need passwords, find me or IM me for that info, I have some pretty cool stuff behind there. The Too Darn Hot was copied from Andrew Tergis' server, and is of the Tech crew singing during the opening of the second act of Kiss Me Kate. See my "Web Home" for that.

Music: When I went to the Bright Eyes concert, which was AMAZING BTW, The Faint played. I think that initially, it being so loud (I was right near a speaker) was discouraging, however, after listening to their songs, I have concluded that I really like them. They aren't too hardcore punky rock, but they have some cool synths and technoish beats. However, after listening to them practically for three says straight, I am taking a break with a random mix of all sorts of music that I have. It is good to mellow out during this stressful period.

Phew! Quite a lot that I still would like to talk about, so I will have to continue this at another date. Later!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

What a week!

Last week was really busy! I had Kiss Me Kate everyday after school, which turned out really well. I think everyone that saw it really enjoyed it. It was the last play for so many wonderfully talented seniors, so the cast party was bitter-sweet, with lots of flowers going around. All of the crew got flowers, which was really kind, and what was even better than flowers, was that they honored us when they gave flowers to Betsy (director) and Nico (choreographer), as well as other "big shots." This weekend went by wayyyyyyy to fast. My grandma was down from Conn, and we played chess. My OTHER party this weekend was great too, but unfortunately I had to leave early.

Yesterday was good, except that I had to do my English paper. Blech!

Today was great too. I had dinner in Chinatown with my cousins from Chicago. It was really fun to see them again. I hope to go to Chicago soon, to see them there & do stuff with them.

Mr. Rosner was absent from school today. I wonder where he is these days? We actually learned chem today though, as Rocco was our sub. Mrs. Kaufman has been very sick these days. This is bad, because she will help me do well on the regents. She can be very annoying in classes, and a mon avis (in my opinion) grades way to harsh and arbitrarily. I like not having her attitude towards some students in the class room, and it is a nice break, but unlike others, I do not want her to die. I don't think that having her die would be a good thing now. I hope that when she comes back, that she has a new perspective on life, and changes her demeanor in classes.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Another Sunday

Today is Mother's Day, and as per tradition, we made my mom breakfast in bed. I forgot to bring up the coffee, but other than that it all ran smoothly. We then drove to my grandma's house in Southbury, Connecticut to celebrate with my uncles, aunts, and cousins. My grandma made a really cool cake, which was flavored vanilla but was red inside. It was really good! I took on and off naps on the way home. I had a really great weekend. I practically spent the whole day yesterday at tech. While it was a lot of time, I really had fun. I definately could imagine myself in a similar environment like that in the future, getting paid. Now it's time to start homework, after my first amazing weekend in a while.
Until later!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

This Weekend

Today was fun. I helped out tech for Kiss Me Kate, the upcoming high school play. At first, it was a little weird for me, because I barely knew the guys who I was helping tech, however after a few hours, I became much more comfortable and lost that "watching my every move" around them feeling. I made myself very useful by cutting "gels". For those of you who do not know what they are: similar to cellophane, and they come in many different colors, and are put in front of the lights to color the stage. Allie Vingiano mentioned to me that we (tech) work(s) really hard, and we do, but (to me at least) it's enjoyable work. I uneventfully (phew!) drove to school today in a stick shift car. It was a great day!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and my family is going up to Connecticut to see the cousins and the immediate family. I will be waking up really early and making breakfast in bed with my brother and dad. It is sort of a tradition now that we have been doing for as long as I can remember. I don't know if other people do that. I just know that Mother's Day starts off with breakfast in bed in my family.

This upcoming week will be hectic I think. With it being Kiss Me Kate Tech Week, and then the normal weekly happenings, meetings, homework, and such, I hope that I can hold it together.

I'm off to bed now! I'll be up early to make breakfast!