Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In Miami, visiting family

Hey guys,
I'm back on the grid! I am currently in Miami, FL, visiting my relatives. Today, I went to the beach in the morning on Key Biscayne, and then to a place called Chicken Kitchen. I had the "Deluxe Chop-Chop", which is grilled chicken over yellow rice, with lettuce, tomato, and pita bread. There were 4 sauces to choose from: Sweet and Sour, Salsa, BBQ, and my favorite, Mustard Curry. It was moy bueno! (Very good?)

Its been rough being away from all of my friends for this vacation. I have gotten really close with a lot of people this summer, and I miss them all. So if I have ever said hi to you this summer, thanks, cause it was great. You made this summer unforgettable. I can't wait to get back into town, which will probably be this coming Saturday night. I am planning on meeting up with my camp friends, who I am probably going to call my camp family, cause we are so close.

If you want to talk with me while I am in Miami, feel free to call my cell phone. I will be excited to hear from you. :)

Until later, "use ya' dome piece!"

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Audio Post From IHOP Parking Lot

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Camp Pictures, Artisitc

Don't let the memories fade...

If you want the full pics, email me.

Man! Off the grid for a week! and other summer time stories

This post goes out to everyone that I have seen and been with this summer. It is not over yet, and I am going to be off the grid for a week. (Which means no/ very little communication with the outside world.) I am going camping in the Smokey Mntns in Tenessee/North Carolina, and then down to Miami to visit my grandparents who I don't see very often. I would just like to thank everyone for a fuckin' amazing summer, the best summer of my life so far. To everyone at camp, thanks for all of the good times (there were a lot too!) and I WILL keep in touch with you, and LITs, we have to meet up during the school year, one year is wayy too long to go without seeing each other. I had the best days of my life with you guys, and miss you all very much, and think about you daily.

When I am done camping, I am going to be able to go online at my grandparents house, so I can email/im with you. YAY GRID!

To all my camp friends: I miss you more than you can believe, and can't wait to see you all again! It's hard to believe that I went into the LIT program not knowing anyone, and came out with 10 very close friends.
To all my school/home friends: Jr year! Let's do it! And have fun while we're at it! I look forward to seeing you in September!
To my special someone: I can't wait to see you again! It won't be soon enough! Mwah!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Yay Camp! I miss you :(

Yesterday, some awesome people came to Hastings from camp on their day off. Laine, Helen, Ben from New Zealand, Heather, and Liz came to town. Cat and Jess were at Cat's house in Irvington, we had breakfst with them at the Center Restaraunt this morning. Seeing them all again was amazing! It had only been under 2 weeks since I had seen them all, but if felt like a month or more. Heather, who was driving, didnt know where I lived, so she drove down my street, and had people screaming "Steven". I came down to the street and was practically brought to the ground by the hugs. I think that this summer has been the best summer ever. I don't ever remember having this much fun elsewhere. Not to sound cheesy, but camp is so fuckin' amazing, and I wish I were there now, with the all of the amazing staff that works there, and the awesome campers that go there.

Yeah, I'm feeling a bit emo at the moment. Until, later... "Toss me, Toss me!"

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hi-Rock Visitors! :)

It's now Tuesday night, and I cannot wait 'till tomorrow. You know why? Because people from Hi-Rock (coolest place on earth) are coming down to hastings to visit on their day off! Laine, Ben M. and Heather are coming down to visit from camp, and Liz is visiting from Cross River for the evening. I dont know exactically what we are going to do, but whatever it is It'll be fun, as those people are awesome! I am just so excited! JDKJTHBLSJKBFHFSUJVBDLFB! My internship is going very well, and am having fun and learning a lot. That's all for now!

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